Leadership Roundtable:
Catholic Schools Revitalization Convening
What does it take to reinvigorate Catholic education in America?
Join bishops, key philanthropists, advocates, and Catholic education leaders for this important convening to discuss the future of Catholic schools and Catholic School sustainability.
Wednesday, Nov. 15, 2023
4:00 – 6:00 PM ET
with reception to follow
Baltimore Marriott Waterfront
Dover A-C Rooms
700 Aliceanna Street | Baltimore, MD | (410) 385-3000
You must register to attend.
Registration for non-bishop attendees has closed.
If you are a bishop and still plan to attend, click the button below to regsiter.
Lodging will not be provided by Leadership Roundtable.
If you are are looking to stay overnight, several hotels are available in the area:
Thank you to the generous sponsors of this meeting. Your support makes important convenings and discussions like these possible.
Learn more about our sponsorship levels and benefits.
Recognition Benefits:
- Table and podium recognition at the November 15 convening with bishops
- Social media ad/post to be tailored by the Sponsor
- Special invitation to partake in the 2024 Catholic Partnership Summit breakfast on schools
- Recognized as a sponsor at the 2024 Catholic Partnership Summit
- Entrance for 6 to the Summit, including all sessions, and the Monan Medal Ceremony, to be selected by the sponsor
- Sponsorship of 4 leaders (young adults, pastors, priests, women religious, university presidents, other Catholic leaders) to be selected by Leadership Roundtable
- Logo and/or name included on Leadership Roundtable’s event webpages
- Logo and/or name included on Catholic Education and Summit materials
- On-table and verbal recognition as a sponsor at the November 2023 and Summit Catholic education convenings
- Acknowledgement in a Leadership Roundtable newsletter
- Acknowledgement in all event-related marketing and informative communications
- Acknowledgement in Leadership Roundtable’s Annual Report
- Acknowledgement in the executive summary on the proceedings and Summit Report
Recognition Benefits:
- Table recognition at the November 15 convening with bishops
- Recognized as a sponsor at the 2024 Catholic Partnership Summit
- Entrance for 4 to the Summit, including all sessions, and the Monan Medal Ceremony, to be selected by the sponsor
- Sponsorship of 1 leader (young adults, pastors, priests, women religious, university presidents, other Catholic leaders) to be selected by Leadership Roundtable
- Logo and/or name included on Leadership Roundtable’s event webpages
- Logo and/or name included on Catholic Education and Summit materials
- On-table and verbal recognition as a sponsor at the November 2023 and Summit Catholic education convenings
- Acknowledgement in a Leadership Roundtable newsletter
- Acknowledgement in all event-related marketing and informative communications
- Acknowledgement in Leadership Roundtable’s Annual Report
- Acknowledgement in the executive summary on the proceeding
- Invitation to November 15 convening with bishops
- Recognized as a sponsor at Summit
- Entrance for 2 to the Summit, including all sessions, and the Monan Medal Ceremony, to be selected by the sponsor
- Name included on Leadership Roundtable’s event webpage
- Name included on convening materials
- On-table recognition as a sponsor at the November 2023 and Summit Catholic education convenings
- Acknowledgement in one event-related communication
- Acknowledgement in Leadership Roundtable’s Annual Report
- Acknowledgement in the executive summary on the proceedings
For questions about sponsorship, please contact Brittany Czekaj at brittany@leadershiproundtable.org or (202) 635-5824.