and Transparency
Leadership Roundtable is committed to financial transparency and operational accountability both internally and in our work with partners. On this page you can review our audited financial information, read our latest annual report, and access our policies to support transparency.

Financial Statements

Make a donation to Leadership Roundtable to support our work.

Annual Reports
Leadership Roundtable publishes an annual Impact Report on its operations and programmatic services each year.
2023 Impact Report
Past Reports
Click below to view our Annual reports from 2018-2022. To view reports prior to 2018, please contact us at info@leadershiproundtable.org.

Policies and State Registrations
Leadership Roundtable maintains the following policies and disclosures to protect staff, volunteers, program participants, and donors. Click below to view our policies and disclosures.
Anyone who suspects financial or other impropriety has an ethical duty to report their suspicions to relevant authorities. Leadership Roundtable also allows individuals to report suspected impropriety or misuse of the organization’s resources directly to our organization. No retaliation will be permitted against persons reporting improprieties or participating in an investigation about said impropriety.
All efforts will be made to protect the confidentiality of those who report alleged impropriety and request confidentiality. However, in certain situations, legal requirements make it impossible to keep the individual’s identity confidential. The sources of reports of alleged financial impropriety or misuses of Leadership Roundtable’s resources will be held in confidence unless the individual who reports the situation agrees to reveal his or her identity or the report leads to legal actions and a court order for information regarding the case.
In accordance with the Sarbanes-Oxley Act, no retaliatory organizational action will be taken against those who report truthful information, even if the person incorrectly believes that a violation has occurred, about the commission or possible commission of any federal offense to a “law enforcement officer,” even if the person incorrectly believes that a violation has occurred. The phrase “law enforcement officer” is defined by the Sarbanes-Oxley Act as including any “officer or employee of the Federal Government … authorized under law to engage in or supervise the prevention, detection, investigation, or prosecution of an offense.”
Leadership Roundtable seeks to safeguard and protect all of its resources. If you have information about known or suspected improprieties or misuse of the organization’s resources, please report any alleged impropriety using the form below.
A few examples of fraudulent conduct or impropriety include:
- Forgery or alteration of documents;
- Pursuit of a benefit or advantage in violation of the Leadership Roundtable’s conflict of interest policy;
- Misappropriation or misuse of organization’s resources, such as funds, supplies, or other assets;
- Abuse or inappropriate activity with a program participant;
- Authorizing or receiving compensation for goods not received, services not performed or hours not worked; and
- Fraudulent financial reporting.
To report alleged impropriety:
It is the policy of Leadership Roundtable to provide a timely and fair way to resolve disagreements which may occur between individual program participants, members, program partners, and Leadership Roundtable staff.
Grievance Procedures
Leadership Roundtable is committed to addressing problems when they occur. Program participants, organizational members, or program partners should first bring any grievance to the staff member responsible for the program or activity. If you are not able to get it satisfactorily resolved, please use the form below to submit the grievance. We will respond to any grievance within two (2) weeks of receipt.
If no resolution can be made, or a grievance involves the Managing Partner, the aggrieved person may submit his/her grievance in writing to the Board of Directors through the Secretary of the Board. Formal Board consideration will be given by the Executive Committee and will be responded to within two (2) weeks of receipt.
To make a grievance:
Leadership Roundtable is committed to the highest standards of ethics in all its fundraising activities. We are committed to truthfulness, responsible stewardship and respect for our donors. Leadership Roundtable ascribes to the Standards for Excellence: An Ethics and Accountability Code for the Nonprofit Sector and also the USCCB Principles and Guidelines for Fundraising by Arch/Dioceses, Arch/Diocesan Agencies and Religious Institutes.
Reporting: Leadership Roundtable will report on the amount spent on fundraising and the revenue realized.
Donor Intentions: Leadership Roundtable will honor the known intentions of a donor regarding the use of donated funds.
Donor Privacy: Leadership Roundtable will respect the privacy of donors and safeguard the confidentiality of information that a donor reasonably would expect to be private. Donor contact information will not be sold, rented, or exchanged. Donors have the right to remain anonymous.
Acceptance of Gifts: Leadership Roundtable accepts charitable contributions from individuals and philanthropic foundations. All gifts will be used for the purposes for which they are given and donors’ intentions will be honored at all times. Unrestricted, general purpose gifts will be sought as well as financial support for specific projects undertaken by the Board and staff of Leadership Roundtable. All gifts and pledges will be duly acknowledged by Leadership Roundtable.
For any questions, please call (202) 635-5820 or email info@leadershiproundtable.org.
Leadership Roundtable is a Delaware nonprofit corporation. We have a 501(c)(3) classification from the Internal Revenue Service and contributions are tax-deductible to the extent of the law. Our purpose is to conduct charitable and educational activities. Copies of our latest annual financial reports are available on this page and printed copies are available upon request.
If you are a resident of the following states, please note:
Florida: A copy of the official registration and financial information may be obtained from the Division of Consumer Service by calling toll-free within the state 1-800-HELPFLA, or via the internet at www.FloridaConsumerHelp.com. Registration does not imply endorsement, approval, or recommendation by the State. The organization’s federal registration number is 54-2174467.
New Jersey: Information filed with the attorney general concerning this charitable solicitation and the percentage of contributions received by the charity during the last reporting period that were dedicated to the charitable purpose may be obtained from the attorney general of the State of New Jersey by calling (973) 504-6215 and is available on the internet at http://www.state.nj.us/lps/ca/charfrm.htm. Registration with the attorney general does not imply endorsement.
New York: You may request and obtain a copy of the last financial report filed by Leadership Roundtable with the attorney general. You may submit your request to Leadership Roundtable 415 Michigan Ave, NE, Washington, DC 20017 or to the New York Attorney General at the Office of the Attorney General, The Capitol, Albany, NY 12224-0341.
Pennsylvania: The official registration and financial information of the National Leadership Roundtable on Church Management may be obtained from the Pennsylvania Department of State by calling toll-free, within Pennsylvania, 1-800-732-0999. Registration does not imply endorsement.
Virginia: A financial statement is available from the State Office of Consumer Affairs in the Department of Agriculture and Consumer Services, P.O. Box 1163, Richmond, VA 23218.
West Virginia: West Virginia residents may obtain a summary of the registration and financial documents from the Secretary of State, State Capitol, Charleston, WV 25305. Registration does not imply endorsement.