A New Culture of Leadership.

We are at a critical point in the history of the Catholic Church. Pope Francis has called for a more co-responsible, accountable, and transparent Church. After nearly two decades, Leadership Roundtable’s credibility, coalition-building, and deep expertise have positioned us to support the leaders answering this call. Investment in our organizational capacity directly supports the formation of our Church leaders and benefits those whom they serve.

Transformational Impact

We are a network of networks that focuses on
contemporary managerial challenges, and does not
contradict or contravene magisterial teaching.

We emphasize the utilization of lay expertise
and bring a social entrepreneurial rigor to our work.

We are a proven leader, and trusted partner of bishops,
provincials, pastors, and executive directors
of Catholic
nonprofits, helping to move the Church forward on some
of its most intractable issues.


Our Impact in the United States

With our assistance, dioceses and organizations across the U.S. are on a journey of transforming their temporal management practices. Since our founding, we have worked with dioceses, individual parishes, Catholic organizations, religious orders, universities, seminaries, and Catholic schools to further our mission to promote best practices for leadership and management in all sectors of the Church.

  • 75 +% of U.S. dioceses have interacted with Leadership Roundtable
  • 50000 + People attend Leadership Roundtable presentations annually
  • 1000 + Leaders completed Catholic Leadership 360
  • 1773 Catholic leaders trained in the last 2 years
  • $ 50  million+ Invested in Leadership Roundtable to date
  • 230 + pastoral leaders attended our latest Catholic Partnership Summit

“Leadership Roundtable is proud to be the Church’s trusted partner. We are proud of how far Church leaders have come since 2002, but we are clear-eyed about how much more work has to be done.”

Lt. Gen. (Ret.) Jim Dubik
Recovery and Reform: The Tasks of Leadership, March 2019

Help build a healthy, thriving Church.


Investment Opportunities

Support from new and existing donors enables Leadership Roundtable to invest in and further our mission as we continue to be a service of hope to the Catholic Church.

Convenings and Partnerships

Investing in our convening work sustains and endows current gatherings and allows us to partner with others and foster the conversations and plans-of-action that will affect generations of Catholics.

Support Our Convening Work

Innovative Solutions

Our supporters directly endow the innovative solutions that equip Catholic leaders to respond to the challenges and opportunities facing the Church, and ensure the health and vitality of the Church and its mission.

Help us innovate

Equipping More Leaders

Investment in our organizational capacity allows more lay, religious, and ordained Catholic leaders across the United States to receive the leadership and management formation to build a healthy, thriving Church.

Be part of our growth

Impact of the
Catholic Church
in the United States

The well-being of the Catholic Church impacts the well-being of every community, particularly those living on the margins of our society.

Leadership Roundtable serves as a resource for the dioceses, religious communities, and Catholic organizations who partner with us, but it is those whom our Church serves who are most impacted by the work that we do.

  • 72.4  million Catholics
  • $ 100  million+ embedded assets managed by the Catholic Church
  • 14 % of patients cared for in Catholic hospitals every day
  • 18  million people served each year through Catholic services
  • 2.3  million students attend Catholic K-12 schools
  • 850000 students attend Catholic colleges and universities

Transform the wellbeing of the U.S. Church and those it serves.


Financial Information

Feel secure investing in Leadership Roundtable.

Get a clear financial picture of Leadership Roundtable
and the impact of your investment by viewing our most
recent audited financial reports, our 990s, and our annual
reports, as well as our policies and disclosures.


Our History

Leadership Roundtable was founded as a ministry of hope
to a Catholic Church in crisis, boldly envisioning that the Church
could heal and strengthen from the challenges it faced.


  • Held the 2024 Catholic Partnership Summit centered around young adult leadership with 75 young adults participating in table discussions
  • Published A Seminarian’s Toolbox
  • Published La Caja de Herramientas para Líderes Pastorales
  • Launched The Catholic Leaders Podcast
  • Piloted a Synodal Leadership Formation
  • Held the first National Gathering for Latino Pastoral Leaders
  • Launched a fully-bilingual website
  • Held two convenings on Catholic education
  • Partnered with the USCCB and the Vatican on the Synod on Synodality
  • Convened leaders of 40+ Catholic organizations in regular leadership circle meetings
  • Hosted the Catholic Partnership Summit in-person for the first time since the pandemic
  • Partnered with the USCCB and the Vatican to create two Synod guides
  • Convened the Coalition for Ethical Financial Management in the Church
  • Hosted a virtual 2021 Catholic Partnership Summit with special gathering in Rome
  • Piloted Catholic Leadership 360 online
  • Established a partnership model of executive leadership
  • Worked with the Australian leaders to prepare governance report
  • Launched Latino Pastoral Leaders Initiative in Diocese of Joliet in Illinois
  • Convened online COVID-19 leadership summit in response to the pandemic
  • Hosted first Catholic Partnership Summit in response to the twin crises of abuse and leadership failures
  • Awarded the first J. Donald Monan, SJ Distinguished Catholic Philanthropy Medal

Top Church leaders convened in wake of PA grand jury report. Brought co-responsibility, accountability, and transparency into the global conversation.

National Leadership Roundtable on Church Management becomes Leadership Roundtable

  • Convened the “National Symposium on Hispanic Leadership and Philanthropy for a 21st Century Church” with FADICA, Mexican American Catholic College, and the University of the Incarnate Word
  • Convened and incubated the Drexel Fund to seed new school models.

Executive Director, Kerry Robinson, addressed an international meeting of treasurers of religious communities at the Vatican

  • Published “A Pastor’s Toolbox” which is awarded Catholic Press Association First Place Award
  • Received the Lumen Gentium Award from the Conference for Pastoral Planning and Council Development

First annual Bishops’ Workshop and leadership formation session for bishops and senior diocesan leaders delivered

First Regional Roundtable on Church Management, Finances, and Human Resources convened in San Francisco, CA

Catholic leaders convened at “From Aspirations to Action: Solutions for America’s Catholic Schools” at Georgetown University

  • ESTEEM (Engaging Students to Enliven the Ecclesial Mission) is launched in partnership with Saint Thomas More Catholic Chapel & Center at Yale University
  • USCCB President Cardinal Francis George convened bishops and representatives from Leadership Roundtable to respond to the economic crisis
  • “An Assessment Tool for Parish Ministry”
  • Toolbox for Pastoral Management is held in New Jersey for new pastors
  • Catholic Leadership 360 is launched in two initial dioceses

Catholic Standards for Excellence for Parishes, Dioceses and Nonprofits is published

Partnered with McKinsey & Company and the Archdiocese of New Orleans to restore the Catholic school system in New Orleans following Hurricane Katrina

National Leadership Roundtable on Church Management is incorporated as a 501(c)(3) nonprofit organization

Leaders from business, finance, academia, philanthropy, and the Church convened to discuss “The Church in America”

Geoff Boisi, Rev. J. Donald Monan, SJ, and others consulted with Catholic leaders across the country to make a positive contribution to a Church embroiled in crisis.

Learn more about Leadership Roundtable


Learn how we’re helping create a culture
of leadership in the Catholic Church.

Learn how we promote leadership
and management best practices.