We are grateful for all of those who invest in the future of the Church by investing in our mission.
Join us in building a healthy, thriving Church.
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Donate by MailMake checks payable to: Leadership Roundtable. P.O. Box: 420022 | Washington, DC 20042-0022
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Employer-Matched GiftSupport Leadership Roundtable with a matching gift through your employer.
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For more information about giving, contact Brittany Czekaj, Development Manager: brittany@leadershiproundtable.org.
All donations to Leadership Roundtable are tax-deductible. Our Tax ID # is 54-2174467.
Support us as we work to restore trust at this pivotal moment.
Our Impact in the United States
With our assistance, dioceses and organizations across the U.S. are on a journey of transforming their temporal management practices. We have a vision for change, and we work in partnership with lay, religious, and ordained leaders to seed, initiate, and institutionalize the changes needed to bring real recovery and reform.
We seed change by unapologetically identifying the challenges the Church faces, identifying solutions, and building support for solutions.
Leadership Roundtable created the Latino Pastoral Leaders Initiative in response to the growing and unique needs of Hispanic/Latino pastoral leaders witnessed through our work with dioceses across the United States and the National V Encuentro process. It was developed thanks to generous seed funding from Lilly Endowment Inc.’s Thriving in Ministry Initiative and other donors.
The Initiative supports Hispanic/Latino leaders to build a foundation of best practices to nurture a vocational identity and praxis as pastoral leaders. The Initiative inspires Hispanic/Latino leaders to see themselves as “co-participants in a community of practice,” creating opportunities for peer-to-peer engagement. The Initiative provides Hispanic/Latino leaders not only access to critical capacity-building skills but ensures that those skills are both culturally appropriate and address the often complex pastoral environments of these leaders.
For those who work for the Church, the Latino Pastoral Leaders Initiative has been transformative, helping them become stronger in their ministry. “It made me a better leader,” said Manuela Botello, a leader who took part in the Joliet cohort. When the participants in the inaugural cohort in the Diocese of Joliet were asked whether the Latino Pastoral Leaders Initiative equipped them with the tools and skills to work more effectively in their current ministry, 94% responded “absolutely” or “very much so.” And when asked if the Initiative increased their confidence to negotiate challenges in their ministry, 100% responded “absolutely” or “very much so.”
We initiate change by identifying best practices and building capacity among change-agents.
Leadership Roundtable is a network of networks. We bring together leaders and partners to discuss the opportunities and challenges facing the Church and develop actions to move the Church forward. Since our inception, we’ve convened leaders in the spirit of synodality and genuine co-responsibility to facilitate their efforts to build a healthy, thriving Church.
Leadership Roundtable created the Catholic Partnership Summit to convene Catholic leaders to address the most pressing challenges and opportunities facing the Church. We hosted the first Catholic Partnership Summit in 2019 in response to the twin crises of abuse and leadership failures that were brought to the fore again with the 2018 Pennsylvania Grand Jury Report. More than 200 leaders gathered in Washington, D.C. for the inaugural Summit to directly address the twin crises, and together identified best practices in accountability and co-responsibility as well as best practices for responding to sexual abuse.
Each Summit since, we’ve convened nearly 300 leaders and produced a report that conveys the actionable recommendations put forth by attendees and summaries of important discussions led by our panel of experts. Our annual Catholic Partnership Summit and resulting reports have become models for how the Church can address crises going forward.
- 275 + pastoral leaders attended our latest Catholic Partnership Summit
- 50000 + People attend Leadership Roundtable presentations annually
We institutionalize change by providing leaders the tools, resources, and direct support they need to strengthen the institutions they serve.
Like many dioceses, the Diocese of Jefferson City had been hit hard by the sexual abuse scandal, so there was a great need to restore credibility and trust. When Bishop Shawn McKnight arrived at Jefferson City in 2018, he invited Leadership Roundtable to accompany his clergy and lay leaders in fulfilling a vision of how a diocese could be vibrant by each parish fulfilling its mission to embody and proclaim the message of the Gospel.
Bishop McKnight introduced our Catholic Leadership 360 service to his diocesan leaders and began implementation of the Mission Management Model in order to create a new culture of leadership rooted in the co-responsibility of lay and clergy leaders in the diocese. He and his staff created a new diocesan policy for bishop accountability, transparently shared all financial data related to abuse cases, and committed to clergy-lay collaboration in order to address clericalism.
Utilizing the Mission Management Model approach, diocesan leaders reviewed their operations and have built internal capacity to bring about transformational change. With guidance, accompaniment, and coaching from Leadership Roundtable, the chancery staff are effectively aligned to be a mission-driven, service-oriented team.
- 75 +% of U.S. dioceses have interacted with Leadership Roundtable
- 1773 + Catholic leaders trained in the last 2 years