The Leadership Roundtable Blog

Latest News

Lessons from the Toolbox: Animating Your Ministry

A Lesson from “A Pastor’s Toolbox, Vol. 2,” Chapter 1 Leaders who’ve worked in a…

Chatham University Report: Examining the Clinical Utility of Psychological Evaluations of Clergy Applicants in the Catholic Church

Each year, the Catholic Church in the United States spends between $10 million and $15…

Chris Lowney on The Catholic Leaders Podcast

Throughout his life and career in both corporate and nonprofit settings, Chris Lowney has learned…


Leadership Roundtable Partners in “Nuevo Momento” Initiative

The Clough School of Theology and Ministry at Boston College,…

Kathleen Porter-Magee Named Managing Partner of Leadership Roundtable

WASHINGTON, D.C. —The Board of Directors of Leadership Roundtable has…

Peter Denio Speaks at Paulist Summit on Polarization

At the inaugural Paulist Summit on Polarization, Peter Denio, Leadership…

Media Coverage of the 2024 Catholic Partnership Summit

The 2024 Catholic Parnership Summit has caught the attention of…

Boston College: Catholic Partnership Summit: Co-Responsibility in the Catholic Church

It was a joy to have so many amazing young…

The Boston Pilot: From Cardinal Seán’s Blog

We were honored to have Cardinal Seán O’Malley with us…

Georgetown University: A Listening Church in a Divided Nation with Cardinal Wilton Gregory

At the 2024 Catholic Partnership Summit, attendees had the unique…

Today’s American Catholic: “A Listening Church in a Divided Nation” facilitates intergenerational dialogue

At the 2024 Catholic Partnership Summit, attendees had the unique…

Catholic Standard: In podcast, Cardinal Gregory and young adults reflect on becoming ‘a listening Church in a divided nation’

At the 2024 Catholic Partnership Summit, attendees had the unique…

Commonweal: Reflection for the Third Sunday of Lent

We were honored to have Claudia Avila Cosnahan join us…

Leadership Roundtable launches fully bilingual website

We are excited to announce the launch of our fully…

Article: New initiative cultivates ministerial leadership roles within U.S. Catholic Hispanic population

BOSTON — Throughout the last few years, Hispanics Catholics have…

Other News

Use the dropdown menu to view blogs based on topic.

Chatham University Report: Examining the Clinical Utility of Psychological Evaluations of Clergy Applicants in the Catholic Church

Each year, the Catholic Church in the United States spends…

Leadership Tip of the Month: A Synodal Leadership Reflection

Reflection is an essential process for transforming experiences into genuine…

Leadership Tip of the Month: Listening to Young Adults

The Power of Partnership: Growing and Thriving through Co-Responsible Leadership

Grounded in Partnership The notion of partnership, roundtable, and collaboration…

Leadership Tip of the Month: Practical Tools for Advocacy and Leadership

On the Season 2 premiere episode of The Catholic Leaders…

Core Concepts for Leadership Formation for a Synodal Church

Leadership formation for ordained and lay ministers looks different when…

BOOK RELEASE: Spanish Edition of “A Pastor’s Toolbox” available from Liturgical Press

A Spanish edition of Leadership Roundtable’s award-winning A Pastor’s Toolbox…

BOOK RELEASE: Seminarian Edition of “A Pastor’s Toolbox” available from Liturgical Press

A new edition of Leadership Roundtable’s award-winning A Pastor’s Toolbox…

Summit Table Discussion Guidelines

During our Catholic Partnership Summits, we utilize a synodal approach…

Practicing Synodal Listening

Synodality and synodal listening are ways of being, to which…

Commitments from the 2024 Catholic Partnership Summit

At the closing of each Catholic Partnership Summit, we make…

Leadership Tip of the Month: Creating a Space of Belonging

During Session 3 of the upcoming Catholic Partnership Summit, we…

Leadership Tip of the Month: Hope, Joy, Peace, and Love

Advent is the season we prepare our hearts for the…

Leadership Roundtable launches fully bilingual website

We are excited to announce the launch of our fully…

Consejo de liderazgo del mes: Dando la bienvenida a jóvenes adultos

En el episodio de octubre de The Catholic Leaders Podcast,…

Leadership Tip of the Month: Welcoming Young Adults

In the October episode of The Catholic Leaders Podcast, our…

Article: Local churches already exploring how synods can unite clergy, laity for mission

The Synod on Synodality has provided an opportunity for the…

USCCB publishes National Pastoral Plan for Hispanic/Latino Ministry

The recently published the National Pastoral Plan for Hispanic/Latino Ministry…

Curso de Liderazgo Sinodal en el Ministerio Pastoral

Este verano, Leadership Roundtable concluyó el primer curso de Liderazgo…

Synodal Leadership in Pastoral Ministry Course

This summer, Leadership Roundtable concluded the pilot of a Synodal…

Leadership Roundtable presenta en la conferencia anual de la Diocesan Information Solutions Community (DISC)

In response to requests to convene leaders of national Catholic…

5 pasos para una infraestructura ética eficaz

Como parte de su asamblea de verano, Chautauqua Institution invitó…

5 Steps for an Effective Ethical Infrastructure

As part of its 2023 nine-week summer assembly, Chautauqua Institution…

Leadership Tip: Self-Care

Every leader should take time to reflect upon their well-being…

Leadership Roundtable urges fully implementing U.S. bishops’ guide for ongoing formation of priests

WASHINGTON, D.C. — Leadership Roundtable welcomed the vote Friday, June…

Leadership Tip: Welcoming Leadership

Leaders who are adept at making others feel welcome have…

Whole-Brain Thinking in Leadership

The ability to analyze issues using both left-brained and right-brained…

2022 Impact Report

We are honored to share with you the work of…

Conference of Major Superiors of Men Leadership Gathering

We were thrilled to once again sponsor and facilitate the…

Announcing the Catholic Leaders Podcast

We are thrilled to announce the upcoming launch of The…

Trust, Stewardship, and Synodality

Executive Summary of the 2021 Catholic Partnership Summit Building upon…

Stewardship of Potential

For Church leaders, it is important to recognize and take…

Stewardship of Financial Resources

As good stewards, we responsibly and ethically care for the…

Healing and Strengthening Our Catholic Community in the United States

Pope Francis has urged the Church to act as a…

Addressing Racism

Pope Francis wrote in Fratelli Tutti that “Racism is a…

Leadership Roundtable calls for seminaries to implement new national benchmarks for sexual misconduct policies

Leadership Roundtable released the following statement from Partner Michael Brough,…

5 Tips for Pastoral Ministry Teams in Times of Crisis for Catholic Leaders

  Pray Invite your team to pray on a regular…

5 Tips for Parish Financial Management in Times of Crisis for Catholic Leaders

  Convene your parish finance council Review the current budget…

5 Tips for Diocesan Leaders in Times of Crisis

Create a Diocesan COVID-19 Response Team Form a team with…

5 Tips for Communications in Times of Crisis for Catholic Leaders

Follow your Crisis Communications Plan Dust off your crisis communications…

4 Tips for Hispanic/Latino Pastoral Ministry in Times of Crisis

Encounter Jesus Reach out to your pastoral leaders and parishioners…

4 Consejos para el Ministerio Pastoral Hispano/Latino en Tiempo de Crisis

 1. Encuentro con Jesús Comuníquese con sus líderes pastorales y…

Scriptural Models of Catholic Leadership & Management

“I have given you a model to follow, so that…

Addressing the Twin Crises in the Catholic Church in the United States

The Twin Crises For years, Catholics have seen a disturbing…

Next Steps for U.S. Bishops and Laity after Vatican Abuse Meeting

As bishops from around the world conclude the Vatican meeting…

“Catholics call the Pope and Bishops to reform the Church with a new culture of leadership that is transparent, accountable, and co-responsible”

A Statement from Leadership Roundtable on the Vatican Abuse Meeting…

Bishops called to respond to sexual abuse and leadership crises

Leadership Roundtable Statement on the USCCB Fall General Assembly Catholics…

Healthy leadership and management leads to a healthy Church

A statement in response to the Pennsylvania Grand Jury Report…

The Francis Effect and Changing the Church

Advancing Best Managerial and Leadership Practices Read here

Frameworks for Responding to the Crisis and Restoring Trust in Dioceses

The Catholic Church in the United States is facing a…

Hispanic Leadership and Philanthropy for a 21st Century Church

Read here

Six Reasons Why Some Chanceries Work Better than Others

While every chancery is unique, some clearly function better than…

The Standard for Excellence

Best Practices for a Mission Driven Church 2014 Annual Meeting…

A Call to Communion

Co-Responsibility for the Good of the Church 2013 Annual Meeting…

Managing for Mission

Building Strategic Collaborations to Strengthen the Church 2012 Annual Meeting…

From Aspirations to Action

Solutions for America’s Catholic Schools 2011 Annual Meeting Read here

A Blueprint for Responsibility

Responding to Crises with Collaborative Solutions Annual Meeting 2010 Read…

Clarity, Candor, and Conviction

Effective Communication for a Global Church Annual Meeting 2009 Read…

Managerial Excellence

Engaging the Faith Community in Leadership in the Church Today…

Restoring Trust

Recommendations for Action Trust is the capacity to realize potential…

Give Us Your Best

A Look at Church Service for a New Generation Annual…

ChurchEpedia is an encyclopedia of temporal best practices in Church…

The Boston Pilot: From Cardinal Seán’s Blog

We were honored to have Cardinal Seán O’Malley with us…

Georgetown University: A Listening Church in a Divided Nation with Cardinal Wilton Gregory

At the 2024 Catholic Partnership Summit, attendees had the unique…

Today’s American Catholic: “A Listening Church in a Divided Nation” facilitates intergenerational dialogue

At the 2024 Catholic Partnership Summit, attendees had the unique…

Catholic Standard: In podcast, Cardinal Gregory and young adults reflect on becoming ‘a listening Church in a divided nation’

At the 2024 Catholic Partnership Summit, attendees had the unique…

Catholic Schools Revitalization Convening

Leadership Roundtable convened nearly 80 Catholic leaders invested in the…

Leadership Roundtable urges fully implementing U.S. bishops’ guide for ongoing formation of priests

WASHINGTON, D.C. — Leadership Roundtable welcomed the vote Friday, June…

Bishop Advisory Committee

To have an even better understanding of how to best…

Conference of Major Superiors of Men Leadership Gathering

We were thrilled to once again sponsor and facilitate the…

Bishops Meet to Deal with Tough Financial Environment

Nearly forty Roman Catholic bishops gathered for a discussion with…

Latino Pastoral Leaders: Communion in Mission: Growing Community Among Hispanic/Latino Catholic Leaders

Nestled amidst the serene landscape of the Bon Secours Retreat…

Join the Summer National Cohort of Catholic Leadership 360

Registration for the next online Catholic Leadership 360 cohort is…

Catholic Leadership 360 Bilingual Cohort in the Archdiocese of Indianapolis

On Saturday, January 14, we proudly launched the Catholic Leadership…

Catholic Leadership 360 National Cohort

Feedback matters. It is a critical ingredient in effective leadership.…

Catholic Standards for Excellence: Equipping Leaders, Empowering Communities

Catholic Standards for Excellence is a comprehensive set of managerial…

Tailored Transformation: Strengthening Catholic Boards for Enhanced Governance and Impact

Effective board formation has long been recognized as an essential…

Flexibility, Foundation, and Faith on the Frontier

How online leadership training enabled the Diocese of Cheyenne to…

How a Conversation led to Transformation

How a conversation in the Diocese of Knoxville led to…

First Catholic Parish to be Awarded Seal of Excellence

Saints Peter and Paul Catholic Church in Hoboken, New Jersey…

Leadership Roundtable Presents at the Diocesan Information Solutions Community (DISC) Annual Conference

Leadership Roundtable was honored to present at this year’s Diocesan…

Stewardship of People

“People are the Church’s most important asset,” said Mar Muñoz-Visoso…

Stewardship of Financial Resources

As good stewards, we responsibly and ethically care for the…

Building Ethical Financial Management in the Church

During the 2020 Catholic Partnership Summit, Catholic leaders gave voice…

A Culture of Ethical Financial Management and Stewardship

To regain the trust of the People of God and…

Executive Summary Offers from the 2024 Catholic Partnership Summit

We are excited to share an executive summary of the…

Revitalizing Catholic Schools: Facilitating Discussions to Reinvigorate Catholic Education in America

When Leadership Roundtable formed an advisory committee of bishops in…

Young Adult Advisory Committee: Engaging Young Leaders in Planning the 2024 Catholic Partnership Summit

As Leadership Roundtable prepared for our 2024 Catholic Partnership Summit…

Catholic Leaders Circle: A Space to Listen, Learn, and Grow Together

When the COVID-19 pandemic caused much of the world to…

ESTEEM Uplifts Young Adult Leaders at National Capstone Conference

This month, 85 young adults from 10 universities across the…

Summit Table Discussion Guidelines

During our Catholic Partnership Summits, we utilize a synodal approach…

Practicing Synodal Listening

Synodality and synodal listening are ways of being, to which…

Commitments from the 2024 Catholic Partnership Summit

At the closing of each Catholic Partnership Summit, we make…

Media Coverage of the 2024 Catholic Partnership Summit

The 2024 Catholic Parnership Summit has caught the attention of…

Boston College: Catholic Partnership Summit: Co-Responsibility in the Catholic Church

It was a joy to have so many amazing young…

The Boston Pilot: From Cardinal Seán’s Blog

We were honored to have Cardinal Seán O’Malley with us…

Georgetown University: A Listening Church in a Divided Nation with Cardinal Wilton Gregory

At the 2024 Catholic Partnership Summit, attendees had the unique…

Today’s American Catholic: “A Listening Church in a Divided Nation” facilitates intergenerational dialogue

At the 2024 Catholic Partnership Summit, attendees had the unique…

Catholic Standard: In podcast, Cardinal Gregory and young adults reflect on becoming ‘a listening Church in a divided nation’

At the 2024 Catholic Partnership Summit, attendees had the unique…

Commonweal: Reflection for the Third Sunday of Lent

We were honored to have Claudia Avila Cosnahan join us…

Catholic Schools Revitalization Convening

Leadership Roundtable convened nearly 80 Catholic leaders invested in the…

Latino Pastoral Leaders National Gathering 2023

Nestled amidst the serene landscape of the Bon Secours Retreat…

Leadership Roundtable presenta en la conferencia anual de la Diocesan Information Solutions Community (DISC)

In response to requests to convene leaders of national Catholic…

Rooneys, Langones receive Monan Medal for church philanthropy

At the 2022 Catholic Partnership Summit, we honored two distinct…

Monan Medal for Church philanthropy at the 2022 Catholic Partnership Summit

At the 2022 Catholic Partnership Summit, we honored two distinct…

Cardinal Mario Grech Calls For ‘Synod of Synodality’ at the Catholic Partnership Summit

At the 2022 Catholic Partnership Summit, Cardinal Mario Grech gave…

The Francis Effect Podcast: Episode 2210

The 2022 Catholic Partnership Summit was the first major gathering…

What is Synodality?

Casey Stanton, Co-Director of Discerning Deacons and one of our…

Head of Vatican Synod office: ‘Let us trust in our people’

At the 2022 Catholic Partnership Summit, Cardinal Mario Grech joined…

Vatican’s synod chief tells U.S. Church leaders to ‘listen to others’

We were honored that Cardinal Mario Grech addressed the Catholic…

U.S. Catholic Leaders to gather in D.C. to discuss synodal leadership, unity

A Press Release from Leadership Roundtable, September 2022 Read here.

Trust, Stewardship, and Synodality

Executive Summary of the 2021 Catholic Partnership Summit Building upon…

Stewardship of Potential

For Church leaders, it is important to recognize and take…

Stewardship of People

“People are the Church’s most important asset,” said Mar Muñoz-Visoso…

Stewardship of Financial Resources

As good stewards, we responsibly and ethically care for the…

Healing and Strengthening Our Catholic Community in the United States

Pope Francis has urged the Church to act as a…

Executive Summary of the 2021 Catholic Partnership Summit

Building upon the last two Catholic Partnership Summits, Leadership Roundtable…

Building Ethical Financial Management in the Church

During the 2020 Catholic Partnership Summit, Catholic leaders gave voice…

A Culture with Young Adult Catholics at the Leadership Table

Any transformation of Church culture must ensure a prominent leadership…

A Culture of Ethical Financial Management and Stewardship

To regain the trust of the People of God and…

A Culture of Co-Responsible Governance and Leadership

The daunting task of innovating a new culture for the…

Envisioning a New Culture of Leadership

The twin crises of abuse and leadership failure have prompted…

Scriptural Models of Catholic Leadership & Management

“I have given you a model to follow, so that…

Opportunity in the Midst of Crisis

Serving Those Most in Need During the Pandemic Today, we…

Hope for the Future

2020 Catholic Partnership Summit elevates young leaders’ voices, leaves global…

A View from Rome

Welcoming leaders in Rome to the Catholic Partnership Summit Overlooking…

From a Crisis to a Solution

Leadership Roundtable was founded in the wake of the abuse…

University Working Groups

Over the summer, we convened ten Catholic college and university…

Identifying the Root Causes of the Crises and the Culture Change Needed to Address Them

Horrific as the sexual abuse and leadership crises confronting the…

Promoting a New Culture of Leadership

From the searching discussions among Catholic Church leaders at the…

Leadership Roundtable to Hold Summit to Address Twin Crises of Abuse and Leadership in Catholic Church

Papal Nuncio, Cardinal Cupich, Cardinal O’Malley, Cardinal Tobin and other…

National Symposium on Hispanic Leadership and Philanthropy for a 21st Century Church

This week, the Leadership Roundtable hosted its 12th national gathering…

The Standard for Excellence

Best Practices for a Mission Driven Church 2014 Annual Meeting…

A Call to Communion

Co-Responsibility for the Good of the Church 2013 Annual Meeting…

Managing for Mission

Building Strategic Collaborations to Strengthen the Church 2012 Annual Meeting…

From Aspirations to Action

Solutions for America’s Catholic Schools 2011 Annual Meeting Read here

A Blueprint for Responsibility

Responding to Crises with Collaborative Solutions Annual Meeting 2010 Read…

Bishops Meet to Deal with Tough Financial Environment

Nearly forty Roman Catholic bishops gathered for a discussion with…

Clarity, Candor, and Conviction

Effective Communication for a Global Church Annual Meeting 2009 Read…

Managerial Excellence

Engaging the Faith Community in Leadership in the Church Today…

Give Us Your Best

A Look at Church Service for a New Generation Annual…

United In Christ: A Pastoral Letter Introducing a Pastoral Plan for the Diocese of Wilmington

Since assuming the role of Bishop of the Diocese of…

Six Reasons Why Some Chanceries Work Better than Others

While every chancery is unique, some clearly function better than…

ESTEEM Uplifts Young Adult Leaders at National Capstone Conference

This month, 85 young adults from 10 universities across the…

ESTEEM Hosts 2022 Capstone

ESTEEM (Engaging Students to Enliven the Ecclesial Mission), our partner…

Today’s Leaders

Engaging Students to Enliven the Ecclesial Mission What began in…

A Culture with Young Adult Catholics at the Leadership Table

Any transformation of Church culture must ensure a prominent leadership…

Hope for the Future

2020 Catholic Partnership Summit elevates young leaders’ voices, leaves global…

Michael Brough Joins Discerning Leadership in Rome

This month, our Executive Partner, Michael Brough, joined over two…

Kerry Robinson joins the All-Africa Conference: Sister to Sister

Our Executive Partner, Kerry Robinson, recently spoke about leadership, sustainability,…

Leadership Roundtable Partners in “Nuevo Momento” Initiative

The Clough School of Theology and Ministry at Boston College,…

Kathleen Porter-Magee Named Managing Partner of Leadership Roundtable

WASHINGTON, D.C. —The Board of Directors of Leadership Roundtable has…

Peter Denio Speaks at Paulist Summit on Polarization

At the inaugural Paulist Summit on Polarization, Peter Denio, Leadership…

Media Coverage of the 2024 Catholic Partnership Summit

The 2024 Catholic Parnership Summit has caught the attention of…

Boston College: Catholic Partnership Summit: Co-Responsibility in the Catholic Church

It was a joy to have so many amazing young…

The Boston Pilot: From Cardinal Seán’s Blog

We were honored to have Cardinal Seán O’Malley with us…

Georgetown University: A Listening Church in a Divided Nation with Cardinal Wilton Gregory

At the 2024 Catholic Partnership Summit, attendees had the unique…

Today’s American Catholic: “A Listening Church in a Divided Nation” facilitates intergenerational dialogue

At the 2024 Catholic Partnership Summit, attendees had the unique…

Catholic Standard: In podcast, Cardinal Gregory and young adults reflect on becoming ‘a listening Church in a divided nation’

At the 2024 Catholic Partnership Summit, attendees had the unique…

Commonweal: Reflection for the Third Sunday of Lent

We were honored to have Claudia Avila Cosnahan join us…

Leadership Roundtable launches fully bilingual website

We are excited to announce the launch of our fully…

Article: New initiative cultivates ministerial leadership roles within U.S. Catholic Hispanic population

BOSTON — Throughout the last few years, Hispanics Catholics have…

Article: Local churches already exploring how synods can unite clergy, laity for mission

The Synod on Synodality has provided an opportunity for the…

USCCB publishes National Pastoral Plan for Hispanic/Latino Ministry

The recently published the National Pastoral Plan for Hispanic/Latino Ministry…

Kerry Robinson pasará a formar parte de la junta directiva de Leadership Roundtable y asumirá el cargo de presidenta y directora general de Catholic Charities USA

  WASHINGTON, D.C. – Tras casi dos décadas de servicio…

Kerry Robinson to transition to Board of Leadership Roundtable, assume role as President and CEO of Catholic Charities USA

  WASHINGTON, D.C. — After nearly two decades serving in…

Article: Pastors are like TV showrunners. They need training.

Recently Vanity Fair released an excerpt from Burn It Down,…

2023 Mother Ursula Infante Memorial Lecture

This month, our Executive Partner Kerry Robinson was also featured…

Francis at 10

To honor ten years of the papacy of Pope Francis,…

Meet our Newest Staff Member!

Join us in welcoming our newest staff member, Leslie Rodriguez!…

The Case for Women in Catholic Church Leadership

The Synod has shown that, universally, Catholics value seeing women…

Rooneys, Langones receive Monan Medal for church philanthropy

At the 2022 Catholic Partnership Summit, we honored two distinct…

Monan Medal for Church philanthropy at the 2022 Catholic Partnership Summit

At the 2022 Catholic Partnership Summit, we honored two distinct…

Cardinal Mario Grech Calls For ‘Synod of Synodality’ at the Catholic Partnership Summit

At the 2022 Catholic Partnership Summit, Cardinal Mario Grech gave…

The Francis Effect Podcast: Episode 2210

The 2022 Catholic Partnership Summit was the first major gathering…

What is Synodality?

Casey Stanton, Co-Director of Discerning Deacons and one of our…

Owners of the Pittsburgh Steelers, Home Depot co-founder honored for Catholic philanthropy

A press release from Leadership Roundtable, September 2022 Click here…

Head of Vatican Synod office: ‘Let us trust in our people’

At the 2022 Catholic Partnership Summit, Cardinal Mario Grech joined…

Vatican’s synod chief tells U.S. Church leaders to ‘listen to others’

We were honored that Cardinal Mario Grech addressed the Catholic…

U.S. Catholic leaders respond to Synod synthesis, develop recommendations for synodal leadership

A Press Release from Leadership Roundtable, September 2022 Click here…

U.S. Catholic Leaders to gather in D.C. to discuss synodal leadership, unity

A Press Release from Leadership Roundtable, September 2022 Read here.

Anonymous blessing

“Empty me of all that stands between you and me…

Basilica Magazine Feature

For several decades, the The Basilica of Saint Mary in…

In candor and charity

Since our inception, Leadership Roundtable has been committed to synodal…

Vatican reforms hailed as breakthrough for laity, despite open questions

As our Executive Partner, Kerry Robinson shared with National Catholic…

Church’s multiyear initiatives on synodality, Laudato Si’ and Eucharist intertwine

As our Executive Partner, Kerry Robinson shared with the National…

Leadership Roundtable commits to fully bilingual communications starting in mid-2022, partners with Crimsonbridge Foundation

A Press Release from Leadership Roundtable, February 2022. Read here.

Glendale Heights pastor, parishioner complete national Hispanic leadership training

A Glendale Heights pastor completed the Latino Pastoral Leaders program…

Leadership Roundtable expands Latino Pastoral Leaders Initiative with new cohort in Austin

A Press Release from Leadership Roundtable, January 2022. Read here.

Diocese of Joliet concludes Hispanic leadership training

As our Latino Pastoral Leaders Initiative continues to expand, we…

“Catholics call the Pope and Bishops to reform the Church with a new culture of leadership that is transparent, accountable, and co-responsible”

A Statement from Leadership Roundtable on the Vatican Abuse Meeting…

Bishops called to respond to sexual abuse and leadership crises

Leadership Roundtable Statement on the USCCB Fall General Assembly Catholics…

Bishops Meet to Deal with Tough Financial Environment

Nearly forty Roman Catholic bishops gathered for a discussion with…

Leadership Roundtable Partners in “Nuevo Momento” Initiative

The Clough School of Theology and Ministry at Boston College,…

Investing in Social Change: The Crimsonbridge Foundation

The Impact of Philanthropy In 2015, Gabriela Smith founded Crimsonbridge…

Latino Pastoral Leaders: Communion in Mission: Growing Community Among Hispanic/Latino Catholic Leaders

Nestled amidst the serene landscape of the Bon Secours Retreat…

Embracing Synodal Leadership: Equipping Pastoral Leaders to Lead in a Synodal Church

The call to synodality by Pope Francis has reverberated across…

Latino Pastoral Leaders Impact Report 2023

We are pleased to share the 2023 Impact Report for…

Latino Pastoral Leaders National Gathering 2023

Nestled amidst the serene landscape of the Bon Secours Retreat…

Leadership Roundtable launches fully bilingual website

We are excited to announce the launch of our fully…

Anuniciando nuevas versiones de “A Pastor’s Toolbox”

Desde la fundación de Leadership Roundtable, nuestro enfoque ha sido…

Article: New initiative cultivates ministerial leadership roles within U.S. Catholic Hispanic population

BOSTON — Throughout the last few years, Hispanics Catholics have…

Announcing Spanish and Seminarian versions of “A Pastor’s Toolbox”

Since the founding of Leadership Roundtable, our focus has been…

USCCB publishes National Pastoral Plan for Hispanic/Latino Ministry

The recently published the National Pastoral Plan for Hispanic/Latino Ministry…

Curso de Liderazgo Sinodal en el Ministerio Pastoral

Este verano, Leadership Roundtable concluyó el primer curso de Liderazgo…

Synodal Leadership in Pastoral Ministry Course

This summer, Leadership Roundtable concluded the pilot of a Synodal…

Latino Pastoral Leaders Impact Report 2022

We are pleased to share with you the annual Latino…

Aprender de lo que Funciona

Un elemento esencial de la Iniciativa de Líderes Pastorales Latinos…

Elementos Centrales de la Iniciativa de Líderes Pastorales Latinos

Al desarrollar la Iniciativa de Líderes Pastorales Latinos, Leadership Roundtable…

Formación Continua de Líderes

Además de acoger e incluir a personas de diversos orígenes…

Constructores de Puentes

La creciente diversidad cultural de la Iglesia en Estados Unidos…

Elevando las Voces de los Líderes Hispanos/ Latinos

Leadership Roundtable creó la Iniciativa de Líderes Pastorales Latinos en…

Católicos Hispanos/Latinos en la Iglesia de USA

El número de Católicos Hispanos/Latinos sigue aumentando en la Iglesia…

Formando el Liderazgo Hispano Emergente de la Iglesia

“Aprendí que los líderes de la Iglesia del futuro serán,…

Learning from What Works

An essential element of the Latino Pastoral Leaders Initiative is…

Core Elements of the Latino Pastoral Leaders Initiative

In developing the Latino Pastoral Leaders Initiative, Leadership Roundtable worked…

Ongoing Leadership Formation

In addition to welcoming and including those of diverse cultural…

Bridge Builders

The growing cultural diversity of the Church in the United…

Elevating the Voices of Hispanic/Latino Leaders

Leadership Roundtable created the Latino Pastoral Leaders Initiative in response…

Hispanic/Latino Catholics in the U.S. Church

The number of Hispanic/Latino Catholics continues to rise in the…

Forming the emerging Hispanic leadership of the Church

“I learned that Church leaders of the future will be,…

Catholic Leadership 360 Bilingual Cohort in the Archdiocese of Indianapolis

On Saturday, January 14, we proudly launched the Catholic Leadership…

Hispanic Leaders gather at Raíces y Alas Congress

In spring 2022, our Executive Partner, Michael Brough, and Latino…

Leadership Roundtable commits to fully bilingual communications starting in mid-2022, partners with Crimsonbridge Foundation

A Press Release from Leadership Roundtable, February 2022. Read here.

Glendale Heights pastor, parishioner complete national Hispanic leadership training

A Glendale Heights pastor completed the Latino Pastoral Leaders program…

Leadership Roundtable expands Latino Pastoral Leaders Initiative with new cohort in Austin

A Press Release from Leadership Roundtable, January 2022. Read here.

Diocese of Joliet concludes Hispanic leadership training

As our Latino Pastoral Leaders Initiative continues to expand, we…

The Time is Now

Latino Pastoral Leaders Initiative addresses growing need for pastoral formation…

Four Elements of the Program: Latino Pastoral Leaders Initiative

Read more

Cuatro Elementos del programa: Latino Pastoral Leaders Initiative

Read more

4 Tips for Hispanic/Latino Pastoral Ministry in Times of Crisis

Encounter Jesus Reach out to your pastoral leaders and parishioners…

4 Consejos para el Ministerio Pastoral Hispano/Latino en Tiempo de Crisis

 1. Encuentro con Jesús Comuníquese con sus líderes pastorales y…

National Symposium on Hispanic Leadership and Philanthropy for a 21st Century Church

This week, the Leadership Roundtable hosted its 12th national gathering…

Hispanic Leadership and Philanthropy for a 21st Century Church

Read here

Sirviendo a juntas directivas católicas a través del entrenamiento y la formación

  Con el objetivo de aclarar las distintas funciones de…

Serving Catholic Boards through Training and Formation

  With a focus on clarifying the distinct roles of…

Flexibility, Foundation, and Faith on the Frontier

How online leadership training enabled the Diocese of Cheyenne to…

Sirviendo a juntas directivas católicas a través del entrenamiento y la formación

  Con el objetivo de aclarar las distintas funciones de…

Serving Catholic Boards through Training and Formation

  With a focus on clarifying the distinct roles of…

United In Christ: A Pastoral Letter Introducing a Pastoral Plan for the Diocese of Wilmington

Since assuming the role of Bishop of the Diocese of…

Supporting Transformation in the Diocese of Wilmington

In 2021, the Diocese of Wilmington joined with hundreds of…

The Mission Management Model

Toward a New Culture of Leadership Catholic leaders recognize that…

Leadership Roundtable’s Impact in a Diocese

What happens when an experienced pastor is reassigned to another…

Chris Lowney on The Catholic Leaders Podcast

Throughout his life and career in both corporate and nonprofit…

Kendra Davenport on The Catholic Leaders Podcast

Since getting her first job in development right after graduating…

Dr. Carol Zinn, SSJ on The Catholic Leaders Podcast

“Have you ever thought about being a sister?” That simple…

Dr. Hosffman Ospino on The Catholic Leaders Podcast

Moments when success may seem elusive are moments where Dr.…

The Catholic Leaders Podcast: Inspiring Leaders Inspiring Listeners

Since our inception, Leadership Roundtable has engaged in conversations with…

Leadership Tip of the Month: Practical Tools for Advocacy and Leadership

On the Season 2 premiere episode of The Catholic Leaders…

Gloria Purvis on The Catholic Leaders Podcast

Gloria Purvis didn’t set out to be an author, commentator,…

The Catholic Leaders Podcast Returns for Season 2

Season 2 of The Catholic Leaders Podcast is here! This…

The Catholic Leaders Podcast Season 1 Finale

Our hosts, Kim Smolik and Kerry Robinson, conclude the first…

Dr. Nicola Brady on The Catholic Leaders Podcast

In this month’s episode of The Catholic Leaders Podcast, we…

Consejo de liderazgo del mes: Dando la bienvenida a jóvenes adultos

En el episodio de octubre de The Catholic Leaders Podcast,…

Ellen Koneck on The Catholic Leaders Podcast

In this month’s episode features Ellen Koneck, the Executive Director…

Leadership Tip of the Month: Welcoming Young Adults

In the October episode of The Catholic Leaders Podcast, our…

Sr. Nathalie Becquart, XMCJ on The Catholic Leaders Podcast

On our latest episode of The Catholic Leaders Podcast, we…

Kathleen McChesney on The Catholic Leaders Podcast

We are thrilled to share another inspiring episode of The…

Amy Goldman on The Catholic Leaders Podcast

Welcome to The Catholic Leaders Podcast! This month, our Executive…

Sr. Teresa Maya, CCVI on The Catholic Leaders Podcast

Welcome to The Catholic Leaders Podcast! In this episode, our…

Fr. James Martin on The Catholic Leaders Podcast

Welcome to The Catholic Leaders Podcast! In this episode, our…

Kim Daniels on The Catholic Leaders Podcast

IT’S HERE! The first full episode of The Catholic Leaders…

Announcing the Catholic Leaders Podcast

We are thrilled to announce the upcoming launch of The…

Executive Summary Offers from the 2024 Catholic Partnership Summit

We are excited to share an executive summary of the…

Young Adult Advisory Committee: Engaging Young Leaders in Planning the 2024 Catholic Partnership Summit

As Leadership Roundtable prepared for our 2024 Catholic Partnership Summit…

Summit Table Discussion Guidelines

During our Catholic Partnership Summits, we utilize a synodal approach…

Practicing Synodal Listening

Synodality and synodal listening are ways of being, to which…

Commitments from the 2024 Catholic Partnership Summit

At the closing of each Catholic Partnership Summit, we make…

Media Coverage of the 2024 Catholic Partnership Summit

The 2024 Catholic Parnership Summit has caught the attention of…

Boston College: Catholic Partnership Summit: Co-Responsibility in the Catholic Church

It was a joy to have so many amazing young…

The Boston Pilot: From Cardinal Seán’s Blog

We were honored to have Cardinal Seán O’Malley with us…

Georgetown University: A Listening Church in a Divided Nation with Cardinal Wilton Gregory

At the 2024 Catholic Partnership Summit, attendees had the unique…

Today’s American Catholic: “A Listening Church in a Divided Nation” facilitates intergenerational dialogue

At the 2024 Catholic Partnership Summit, attendees had the unique…

Catholic Standard: In podcast, Cardinal Gregory and young adults reflect on becoming ‘a listening Church in a divided nation’

At the 2024 Catholic Partnership Summit, attendees had the unique…

Commonweal: Reflection for the Third Sunday of Lent

We were honored to have Claudia Avila Cosnahan join us…

Rooneys, Langones receive Monan Medal for church philanthropy

At the 2022 Catholic Partnership Summit, we honored two distinct…

Monan Medal for Church philanthropy at the 2022 Catholic Partnership Summit

At the 2022 Catholic Partnership Summit, we honored two distinct…

Cardinal Mario Grech Calls For ‘Synod of Synodality’ at the Catholic Partnership Summit

At the 2022 Catholic Partnership Summit, Cardinal Mario Grech gave…

The Francis Effect Podcast: Episode 2210

The 2022 Catholic Partnership Summit was the first major gathering…

What is Synodality?

Casey Stanton, Co-Director of Discerning Deacons and one of our…

Head of Vatican Synod office: ‘Let us trust in our people’

At the 2022 Catholic Partnership Summit, Cardinal Mario Grech joined…

Vatican’s synod chief tells U.S. Church leaders to ‘listen to others’

We were honored that Cardinal Mario Grech addressed the Catholic…

U.S. Catholic Leaders to gather in D.C. to discuss synodal leadership, unity

A Press Release from Leadership Roundtable, September 2022 Read here.

Trust, Stewardship, and Synodality

Executive Summary of the 2021 Catholic Partnership Summit Building upon…

Stewardship of Potential

For Church leaders, it is important to recognize and take…

Stewardship of People

“People are the Church’s most important asset,” said Mar Muñoz-Visoso…

Stewardship of Financial Resources

As good stewards, we responsibly and ethically care for the…

Healing and Strengthening Our Catholic Community in the United States

Pope Francis has urged the Church to act as a…

Executive Summary of the 2021 Catholic Partnership Summit

Building upon the last two Catholic Partnership Summits, Leadership Roundtable…

Building Ethical Financial Management in the Church

During the 2020 Catholic Partnership Summit, Catholic leaders gave voice…

A Culture with Young Adult Catholics at the Leadership Table

Any transformation of Church culture must ensure a prominent leadership…

A Culture of Ethical Financial Management and Stewardship

To regain the trust of the People of God and…

A Culture of Co-Responsible Governance and Leadership

The daunting task of innovating a new culture for the…

Envisioning a New Culture of Leadership

The twin crises of abuse and leadership failure have prompted…

Scriptural Models of Catholic Leadership & Management

“I have given you a model to follow, so that…

Hope for the Future

2020 Catholic Partnership Summit elevates young leaders’ voices, leaves global…

A View from Rome

Welcoming leaders in Rome to the Catholic Partnership Summit Overlooking…

Identifying the Root Causes of the Crises and the Culture Change Needed to Address Them

Horrific as the sexual abuse and leadership crises confronting the…

Promoting a New Culture of Leadership

From the searching discussions among Catholic Church leaders at the…

Leadership Roundtable to Hold Summit to Address Twin Crises of Abuse and Leadership in Catholic Church

Papal Nuncio, Cardinal Cupich, Cardinal O’Malley, Cardinal Tobin and other…

“Instrumentum laboris” for the Second Session of the 16th Ordinary General Assembly of the Synod of Bishops

This month, the Vatican released “Instrumentum laboris” (the working document)…

Leadership Tip of the Month: A Synodal Leadership Reflection

Reflection is an essential process for transforming experiences into genuine…

Michael Brough Joins Discerning Leadership in Rome

This month, our Executive Partner, Michael Brough, joined over two…

Embracing Synodal Leadership: Equipping Pastoral Leaders to Lead in a Synodal Church

The call to synodality by Pope Francis has reverberated across…

Core Concepts for Leadership Formation for a Synodal Church

Leadership formation for ordained and lay ministers looks different when…

Summit Table Discussion Guidelines

During our Catholic Partnership Summits, we utilize a synodal approach…

Practicing Synodal Listening

Synodality and synodal listening are ways of being, to which…

Dr. Nicola Brady on The Catholic Leaders Podcast

In this month’s episode of The Catholic Leaders Podcast, we…

Article: Local churches already exploring how synods can unite clergy, laity for mission

The Synod on Synodality has provided an opportunity for the…

Curso de Liderazgo Sinodal en el Ministerio Pastoral

Este verano, Leadership Roundtable concluyó el primer curso de Liderazgo…

Synodal Leadership in Pastoral Ministry Course

This summer, Leadership Roundtable concluded the pilot of a Synodal…

Leadership Roundtable presenta en la conferencia anual de la Diocesan Information Solutions Community (DISC)

In response to requests to convene leaders of national Catholic…

U.S. Catholic leaders respond to Synod synthesis, develop recommendations for synodal leadership

A Press Release from Leadership Roundtable, September 2022 Click here…

U.S. Catholic Leaders to gather in D.C. to discuss synodal leadership, unity

A Press Release from Leadership Roundtable, September 2022 Read here.

Trust, Stewardship, and Synodality

Executive Summary of the 2021 Catholic Partnership Summit Building upon…

Synodality: The Path Forward

In October 2021, the Catholic Church embarked on a global…

Stewardship of Potential

For Church leaders, it is important to recognize and take…

Healing and Strengthening Our Catholic Community in the United States

Pope Francis has urged the Church to act as a…

Executive Summary of the 2021 Catholic Partnership Summit

Building upon the last two Catholic Partnership Summits, Leadership Roundtable…

A Culture of Co-Responsible Governance and Leadership

The daunting task of innovating a new culture for the…

Envisioning a New Culture of Leadership

The twin crises of abuse and leadership failure have prompted…

Recommendations for USCCB June Assembly

With the recently released motu proprio, “Vos estislux mundi”, Pope…

Lessons from the Toolbox: Animating Your Ministry

A Lesson from “A Pastor’s Toolbox, Vol. 2,” Chapter 1…

Excerpt from “A Seminarian’s Toolbox”

A Seminarian’s Toolbox From Chapter 5: Intergenerational Ministry By Nicole…

BOOK RELEASE: Spanish Edition of “A Pastor’s Toolbox” available from Liturgical Press

A Spanish edition of Leadership Roundtable’s award-winning A Pastor’s Toolbox…

BOOK RELEASE: Seminarian Edition of “A Pastor’s Toolbox” available from Liturgical Press

A new edition of Leadership Roundtable’s award-winning A Pastor’s Toolbox…

Anuniciando nuevas versiones de “A Pastor’s Toolbox”

Desde la fundación de Leadership Roundtable, nuestro enfoque ha sido…

Formación de gestión y liderazgo pastoral para la Provincia de Baltimore de los Redentoristas

Debido a un nuevo mandato de formación continua de liderazgo…

Announcing Spanish and Seminarian versions of “A Pastor’s Toolbox”

Since the founding of Leadership Roundtable, our focus has been…

Pastoral Leadership and Management Formation for the Redemptorist Province of Baltimore

Due to a new mandate for ongoing leadership formation from…

Formación de diáconos en transición en la Immaculate Conception Seminary School of Theology en Seton Hall University, New Jersey

Durante los últimos nueve años, Leadership Roundtable ha colaborado con…

Transitional Deacons Formation at Immaculate Conception Seminary School of Theology at Seton Hall University, NJ

For the last nine years, Leadership Roundtable has partnered with…

Toolbox for Pastoral Management nacional en el Seminario del Sagrado Corazón, Wisconsin

“Tan a menudo el ministerio parroquial se trata de sobrevivir…

National Toolbox for Pastoral Management at Sacred Heart Seminary, Wis.

“So often parish ministry is about surviving external and internal…

Leadership Roundtable urges fully implementing U.S. bishops’ guide for ongoing formation of priests

WASHINGTON, D.C. — Leadership Roundtable welcomed the vote Friday, June…

Formación de liderazgo pastoral en la arquidiócesis de Hartford

Actualmente, el 95% de los sacerdotes activos de la arquidiócesis…

Pastoral Formation in the Archdiocese of Hartford

As of today, 95% of active priests in the Archdiocese…

There’s still time! Join the National Toolbox for Pastoral Management

There are still places available for our national Toolbox for…

2023 National Toolbox for Pastoral Management

Take part in a Toolbox! Learn More

Helping Catholics by Teaching Priests How to Be the Boss

Read the Article Here

Excerpt from “A Seminarian’s Toolbox”

A Seminarian’s Toolbox From Chapter 5: Intergenerational Ministry By Nicole…

The Catholic Leaders Podcast Returns for Season 2

Season 2 of The Catholic Leaders Podcast is here! This…

2023 National Toolbox for Pastoral Management

Take part in a Toolbox! Learn More

Highlights from 2022 and What’s to Come in 2023

Top Ten Accomplishments of 2022 What’s to Come in 2023

On the ground, Catholic pastors are leaders who must fulfill…

Kathleen Porter-Magee’s Full Bio

  Kathleen Porter-Magee serves as Managing Partner for Leadership Roundtable.…

Patrick Stokely’s Full Bio

Deacon Patrick Stokely is a Senior Program Manager at Leadership…

Nicole Perone’s Full Bio

Nicole M. Perone holds a Master of Divinity from Yale…

Andrea Blanco’s Full Bio

Andrea Blanco serves as Program Manager leading the leadership formation…

Peter Denio’s Full Bio

Peter Denio serves as Program Manager for Leadership Roundtable, facilitating…

Lisa Metcalfe’s Full Bio

Lisa Metcalfe serves as Director of Services and Programs for…

Father Kevin Kennedy’s Full Bio

Rev. Dr. Kevin C. Kennedy serves as a Senior Leadership…

Kim Smolik’s Full Bio

Kim Smolik, Ed.D, serves as an Executive Partner of Leadership…

Kerry Robinson’s Full Bio

Kerry Alys Robinson is the President and CEO of Catholic…

Patrick Markey’s Full Bio

Patrick Markey, CPA, MBA, serves as Managing Partner of Leadership…

Michael Brough’s Full Bio

Michael Brough serves as an Executive Partner of Leadership Roundtable,…